Create and complete your first job


This quick walkthrough will explain how to create clients, post jobs in your Planado web application, and complete how to complete them in the Planado mobile application.

1. Add a Client

Open the Addresses page in the main menu and click on the Add client button.

Add a new client

Here you can add all the information about a client: first and last name, address, and mobile number.

Creating a new individual client

Click the Add button to create a client.

You can find more information about clients in the corresponding instruction.

2. Post a Job

Open the Schedule page. Double-click the timeline, and a list of your templates will open. Select one of them, and a new job window will appear. Make sure you create a job for the current day.

Adding a new job from the Schedule

You can use premade template to add jobs or you can create your own custom templates. Find more about Planado templates in the instruction.

Add all the information about a job:

  • In the Description field you can specify additional information about a job (for example, some minor details an assignee should know);
  • The Assignee field. In this example employee Willey Guntram will already be assigned since we created a job on their timeline;
  • Click on the Client field and start typing the name of the client you created in the first step. After you picked the client from the search results, fields with his address and contacts will be filled automatically.
  • The Scheduled at field also will be already filled since we have selected the date and time on the timeline.

In this example we are going to use the same user for the web application and the mobile app. So make sure that you are adding a job to an assignee whose account you can login to in the mobile app.

Adding a new job

Click the Add button. The job will be added. You can find it in the Schedule. It will have a blue color since it was just published.

New job on the timeline

3. Install the mobile application

Download the Planado FSM app from Google Play or App Store, install it and accept all the necessary permissions.

Download the Planado app

After the installation, open the application and enter the email and password you used to login into the web application. You can log in to the mobile application only if you have permission.

4. Complete the job

Once you post a job in the web application, it will appear in the mobile application.

Job in the Schedule and the mobile app

Once you open it, in the very first window you will see all the information about the job, the client and his contacts. Press the En route button to change the job status to En route. This status will collect information about your assignee's trip to a client's site. You will be able to check how long it took for your worker to arrive at the destination, what route they took and what was the traveled distance.

To get information about your assignees travel distance, you need to use the milage tracking function. Find more about it in the instruction.

The job will have a purple color in the Schedule when en routed.

En routed job in the Schedule and in the mobile app

After that, press the Start button. When completing a real job, an assignee should press the Start button after they have reached the client's site and are ready to start the job. The report tab will be opened in the mobile app.

In the Schedule, you will be able to see the job has a new status and now is marked with green color.

Started job in the Schedule and in the mobile app

On the report tab, you will see the report fields, fill them in. Some fields are required to finish the job, they are marked with asterisks (*) above their names. If you don't fill in the required fields, you will not be able to finish a job successfully.

Finish the job

After that, you will be able to select a successful or unsuccessful resolution.

Select successful or unsuccessful resolution

After that, the job will be finished you will be able to a status change in the Schedule.

Finished job in the Schedule and on the mobile app

You can open a job from the Schedule page by double-clicking it. In this view, you can see details about the completed job as well as a report.

Assignee's report in the web application

To collect information about completed jobs, use the Jobspage.

You can also view your workers' actions using the jobs history.

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