Jobs page


The Jobs page allows you to view all your jobs in a table format. Here you can use filters to find jobs with specific criteria like scheduled dates, add job field values to the table as columns, and export the table to the XLSX file.

Jobs are grouped by date in order from the latest to the earliest jobs.

Jobs without a scheduled date are placed at the very top of the list as Not scheduled.

The Jobs page

In the Search bar, you can find a job by its number. To do so, enter the job number in the search field and press Enter or click the search icon. After that, the job will be opened.

Job search


Filters are useful when you want to find jobs with a specific property. For example, you can find jobs completed for a specific client or by a specific assignee. You can filter jobs by assignee, status, template, scheduled date, finish date, client/site, and other fields, including most of the custom and report fields.

To find jobs with a specific client, use the Client / Site filter.

Select a client in the Client / Site filter and apply the filter. After that, Planado will show only jobs with the selected client or site. This way you can get a list of jobs completed for a selected client and send it to your client in the XLSX format.

The Client / Site filter

Other default filters allow you to filter jobs by other default job properties like assignee or scheduled date.

This way you can look up jobs completed by a particular assignee in the selected period of time.

Jobs filtered by an assignee and a finished date

You can also add filters for custom and report fields. To add a filter, click on the filter settings button (⚙️) on the bottom left.

Open the filters settings

Filters settings will open. Here you can select custom and report field filters as well as some default fields like Job type Territory, and different durations filters.

Filters settings

Currently, you can add filters for the following field types:

  • Text;
  • Yes/No;
  • Pick list;
  • Barcode;
  • Signature;
  • Money;
  • Number;
  • Integer;
  • Date;
  • Date with time;

When you have selected the fields that you want to use as a filter, save the settings. After that, your selected filters will appear in the filters list.

Added filters

All fields except Yes/No type fields can be filtered for the Filled in or Any value property. This way you will see only jobs that have this field filled in.

Options in different field types filters

For some field types, you can specify what values you are looking for. This way you can search for jobs with a specific word in a comment field, for example.

  • Text: a field contains part of the text

The specific value text filter

  • Date and Date with time: filter jobs for a selected time period. Works the same way as the Scheduled at and the Finished at filters.

Date and time filter for a specific value

  • Pick list: one or several values from a pick list

Pick list specific value filter

  • Integer and number: you can filter fields with this field type for an exact value or for a value in a range. This way you can find jobs with approximate field values.

Number field filter for an in-range value

  • Money, signature, and barcode fields have the Any value filter. It will show all jobs with the selected field filled in but not for an exact value. For example, this way you can find jobs that were signed.

Signature field any value filter

Table columns

The list shows data for each job in the columns. By default, you can see the following columns: Job number, Address, Client (site), Template, Scheduled at, Assignee, and Status.

You may want to add other columns to the table. You can add columns for the default fields like Finished at or Territory, as well as custom and report fields.

To add or remove columns, click on the table settings button (⚙️) on the top right. The display columns settings will open.

Display columns settings

Here you can select job fields. After that, they will appear as columns in the jobs table.

Columns in the Custom fields and Report fields are taken from job templates. If you add a custom or a report field to the job template, you will be able to select them here as a column.


A view is a collection of filters and columns that you can open without the need to select the same filters or columns every time.

There are several premade views that you can use. They are shown in the bar above the jobs list. You can change their order and names (except the All jobs and Unfinished views).

  • All jobs — the default view for all jobs without any filters.

  • Unfinished - shows unfinished jobs for the current week.

  • Finished - shows all Completed jobs.

  • Successful - shows all jobs Completed with a successful resolution.

  • Unsuccessful - shows all jobs Completed with an unsuccessful resolution.

If you often use the same set of filters or columns, you can save it as a view for future use.

To do so, select the filters and columns you need and click the Save view button. After that, the Save view window will appear. Here in the Create view field, enter the name of your new view and click the Save button.

Creating a new view

The new view will show up in the views bar for quick access. To use it, click on the view name. It will apply filters and columns that you have saved for this view.

New view in the views bar

You can also rearrange, rename, and remove views in the views settings. To open them, click the arrow button near the views bar and select Settings.

Open views settings

The views settings will open. Here you can change the order of views, rename them or delete them.

Views settings

You can also resave views. This way you can change columns or filters applied in a filter. To do so, select the columns and filters you want to apply, click the Save view button and select an existing filter. After that, save the view. As a result, columns and filters for this view will be rewritten. Note that you can resave pre-made views. However, if you resave All jobs or Unfinished views, only columns will be saved but not the filters.

Resave a view

Exporting jobs to an XLSX file

You can export jobs data to the Excel file. This will help you can create your own reports and data analysis.

To export jobs, select the columns and filters that you want your file to have, click the Export to XLS button, and select Export the currently displayed columns. After that, an XLSX file will start forming. When it is done, you can download your XLSX file. It will have all the data that was displayed in your jobs table

Export displayed columns

If you want to export jobs with all columns, just select the Export with all job fields option. In this case, the file will have all the default job fields.

If you export an XLSX file with the Export witt all job fields option, your custom and report fields will not show up in the result file. It will only have all default fields.

You can start several different exports at once. They will be performed in the start order. The process and the results you will be able to find in the operations tab on the bottom right.

Two exports running at once

You can export up to 50000 jobs in one export.

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