Create client (individual and organization)


Create a list of clients in Planado and you won't have to manually enter all the client information during job creation. You'll only need to select a client from the list and all his data will be copied to the required fields.

Create client

Open the Addresses page and click on the Add client button. 

Clients can be individuals or organizations. Both have their own form, you can use a button to switch between them and choose the needed type of client.

For an individual you'll need to enter: first name (required field), middle and last name, mobile number and address.

For organization, you'll need to enter: organization name (required field), address.

After you fill the required fields, click on the Add button and the client will be created. After that, you will see the client editing window, click on Save and close if you don't need to make any changes. an organization has more than one address (for example, if it has a couple of offices), you can enter the main address and add additional addresses using sites.

When you create the client, you can add an external id. Open additional settings and click on Add external ID. The new field will appear in the form.

External id can be useful if you're planning to work with clients using API and update clients with CSV file uploads.

The client will appear in the list. Here you can see both organizations and individual clients.

Now when you create the job, you'll only need to enter the name in the Client field and you'll see related search results. Select a client from the search and all other data such as address and contacts will be copied automatically. The job will be attached to this client.

Edit client 

Open any client from the list. If you have a lot of clients and need to find a specific one, you can use the search function.

You can make any changes to the client using the form. To save them click on Save and close.

Under the editing form, you can see the list of all jobs created for this client as well as a button to create a new job.

If you change any client information - it won't change in already created jobs. For example, if you change client address, jobs created for this client and other fields will keep the previous address and you'll have to manually update them.

To delete the client, click on the Delete button in the edit form. you delete the client, jobs created for him won't be deleted. Each job will keep the address and contact data, but the connection between the client and the job will be lost.

If you already have your own client database you don't have to manually copy them to Planado. Upload them with CSV file.

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