The client portal allows your clients to view their planned and finished jobs. You can set which job templates and job fields are visible to your clients. The client portal is aimed at building trust and long-term relationships with your customers.
Portal settings are located on the Settings → Client portal page.
To start working with the client portal, you need to create it. If you have not yet created a portal, you will see a menu with general information about the portal. Click the Create portal button to create your portal.
Create portal
The portal settings will open. The first tab here is the client portal appearance.
Client portal appearance settings
Here you can set up how your clients see their portal. You can upload your logo, and set templates, and fields that are available to your clients.
Upload your logo to personalize the look of your client portal. This way, your customers will see it when they use the portal.
To upload a logo, click the Upload button in the logo settings. After that, select your logo file in JPG or PNG format. After the logo is uploaded, your clients will see it on your portal.
Uploaded logo
Your clients can only view jobs created from the template you select in the portal settings. If a template is not selected in the settings, your clients will not see its jobs on the portal. This way you can limit the jobs that your clients see.
For your clients to see their jobs, select templates in the settings:
Templates settings
After that, your clients will see jobs created from the selected template on their portal.
Besides templates, you can set up job fields that your clients can see on their portal. By default, your clients can view only the Scheduled at, Address, Status, Template, and Assignee fields. These fields are always visible on the client portal. You can add other default, custom, and report fields. To do so, select the necessary fields in the settings.
The jobs fields available for the settings depends on the fields that you have added to your templates. Learn more about job templates in the instructions.
Job fields visibility settings
After that, your clients will see information from the selected fields on their portals.
Don't forget to save settings after adding them.
For your client to be able to use the portal, you need to invite them. You can send an invitation using an SMS or an email. You can configure the invitation layout.
To set up an invitation layout, open the Settings tab in the client portal menu.
An invitation layout setting
An email layout has an HTML format. This way you can add necessary breaks or highlight important information.
Both, SMS and email, layouts have substitutions. This way you can personalize your invitations, for example, you can add the client's name or your company's name.
Adding a substitution
Don't forget to save the invitations after editing them.
For your clients to be able to use the portal, you need to add them and send an invitation. After that, your client will activate their portal account and will be able to use it.
To invite your clients to the portal, they need to be added to your Planado as a client. They also need to have a phone number or an email in their contacts.
Adding clients is described in the instructions.
To invite a client, open the Users tab in the client portal menu, and click the A****dd user button.
Add a user to the portal
The client search window will open. Type in your client's name, phone, or email there.
Searching for a client to invite
Select a client from the list. After that, Planado will send them an invitation to your portal by email or SMS.
The invitation method depends on what contacts are set up for your client.
A sent invitation
Now you can see an invitation in the users list. On this tab, you can resend an invitation or cancel it.
When your client accepts an invitation, they will appear as an added user in this list.
An added user
You can remove an added user from your portal if they do not need access anymore. You can also see the user's last login date and time here.
For your client to access the portal, they need to activate their account. The client receives an activation link by email or SMS.
An activation email
When the client opens a link, an account activation page will open. There, client needs to specify their email and password.
An account activation page
After that, the client logs in to the portal. Here they can view their appointments.
Client's appointments
The appointments list has general information about the jobs. To view more specific information, the client needs to open a job.
Client's appointment
There, the client can view information from the fields you have set up.
Clients can view finished, planned, and active jobs. This way, your clients can rate your workers' efforts and view their future jobs.
The client portal is located on the address.
To allow your clients to track your workers location, use the Tracking page
If you have any questions about the client portal or other Planado features, feel free to ask them at or on our support portal. We would be glad to help you.