Add skills to your workers


You can add skills from your skills list to your workers.

Open the Settings → Users page. Select one of the users.

⚠️ The Users page is only available to users with administrator rights.

The user editing menu will be opened. Here you can add skills to a user in the Skills field.

Click Skills. The list of all available skills will be opened. Add skills to a user by clicking them.

The skills will appear in this field. Press Save and close. You can open a user's page and change their list of skills at any time.

You can add skills to your teams. Open the teams adding and editing page. Click Team's skills and add skills from the list. You can also press Use assignee's skills and the team's skills field will be filled with the skills of its workers.

Now when looking for an assignee for a job, you will first see workers with the most fittable skills for a job. The more skills a worker possesses, the higher they are on the list.

You can find information on how to assign suitable workers to a job in the Choosing workers with suitable skills instruction.

If you need any help, please contact us at