Create and edit teams


Planado allows you to create teams with your workers. This way you can assign multiple workers to a job.

A team consists of a foreman and workers. A foreman is a person responsible for job completion. Only a foreman can start a job, fill in its report, and finish a job. Other team workers are only able to view team jobs, without altering them.

You can also create teams on the fly in the jobs without adding a team separately. This feature is described in the working with teams instructions.

Creating a job

To create a job, open the Shifts page and then select the Teams tab.

Shifts → Teams

Here you will see all of your teams. To create a new team, click the Add team button.

Add a new team

A team creation window will be opened. Please enter the name of the team and its short description. This name will be displayed on the Schedule and Shifts pages.

Adding a team

Don't forget to set up a team foreman, only they will be able to finish team jobs.

Any worker can be set as a foreman if he has permission to log in to the mobile application and complete jobs. Permissions can be configured on the Settings → Users page. You can find more information about permissions and seats in the corresponding instructions.

Click on the Workers field and select all the workers you would like to add to the team from the list. These workers will be able to see all the information about team jobs but they will not be able to make any changes in the report or complete a job.

⚠️ All team members need to have permission to log in to the mobile application. They don't need to have permission to complete jobs.

You can also add a territory and skills to a team. To learn more about territories and skills, check our knowledge base.

After adding information about a team, click the Add button. A newly created team will appear in the Schedule and on the Shifts page. Now you can select it as a job assignee

An added team on the Shifts page

You can also add working days and off days on the Shifts page. Find out more about Shifts in the instructions.

Editing teams

To edit the existing team, open the Teams tab on the Shifts page and click the settings button (⚙️) near the team name. A team editing window will be opened.

Editing a team

Make all the necessary changes and click the Save button. The team will be updated. With the Delete button, you can delete the team you are not planning to use anymore.

To learn more about assigning jobs to teams, read our article Working with teams.

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