Transfer fields from deal to job


To connect your Bitrix24 to Planado check our manual Connect Bitrix24.

1. Select pipeline

If you have more than one pipeline, you'll have to configure each one separately. Select the one you need. You can return to this page later.

2. Select type of deals

Jobs can be created for different type of deals. Select type you need to have jobs for.

After, click on Add stage button.

3. Select deal stage

Select deal stage you need, what template jobs will use, what fields will be transferred from the deal.

It is necessary to select Transit deal to stage. This way deal will be moved to selected stage after job will be completed.

Click on Add button.

Now when you will create deals with type Services and stage In progress, job will automatically be created in Planado with selected template.

Click on Save button to finish.

4. Create a deal in Bitrix24 

Fill deal fields. Don't forget to make sure the type of deal is Service and stage is In progress or job won't be created.

After creating deal, in a minute a commentary will appear with link to created job.

5. Check job

Fields you selected will be transferred automatically to select job fields.

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