This article will help you to integrate your Bitrix24 domain to Planado.
You can connect both cloud and self-hosted version of Bitrix24.
⚠️ If you don't have access to the integration page, contact our tech support.
Before integrating make sure you logged as an administrator in your Bitrix24.
You can see if you're an administrator in My Profile.
Go to Applications and find Planado using a search bar.
Or use direct link:
Click on the Install button on the app page.
The app will ask for permission. Accept them in order to install them.
⚠️ Don't delete the Planado app after installation. Without it, integration won't work.
Go to your Planado. Open Settings → Integration page.
Enter your Bitrix24 domain and click on Set up integration button.
Select which pipeline to configure, if you have more than one.
Choose what deal type to configure.
Click on the Add stage button.
In new window select:
1. On what deal stage jobs will be created in Planado
2. What template will be used by this job
3. What stage deal will be moved to after the job is finished
Click on the Add button.
The new line will appear. Now if the deal with type Services and stage In progress will appear in your Bitrix24, the job will be created with selected template Installation, individuals in Planado.
Click on the Save button before leaving.
In your Bitrix24:
Create a job with type Services...
...and stage In progress
In a minute, link to the job in Planado will appear in the Bitrix24 deal in the commentary section.
It will have a job template that we chose earlier.
The job will also be created if you move to deal with the configured type to this stage.
You can configure integration for all types and stages of a deal, even custom ones.
If you need any help, leave us a ticket or write to our email address: