Cannot see my jobs in the application


Once job was published, your worker will be able to see jobs assigned to him in the mobile application.

Here are main reasons that can prevent this.

1. No connection to server 

If you lose connection to server, you will receive warning in the application, and it will start working in the offline mode. You will only be able to see jobs that application managed to load when it still had connection to server. 

Most  of the times, losing connection to internet is the main reason for this  issue. Connect your phone to internet (mobile or Wi-Fi). After that  click on the Synchronize in the app menu or wait: automatic synchronization happens in less than a minute with good internet connection.

2. Jos is assigned to different user

You can see name of the user you're currently logged as in the menu. 

Make sure this user is assigned to jobs, 

or if he belongs to team assigned to this job.

If you need to login into different user in your app, click on the Log out option in the menu.

3. Job can't be seen because of current filter

In the up right corner, you can open and see all the filters for the jobs.  You might not be able to see a specific job because of that. For example, a job is planned for today, but you picked a filter to see only jobs for tomorrow.

Pick corresponding filter. Don't forget what yo can see completed jobs only using filters Finished or All jobs.

4. Schedule wasn't published

If you moved or edited any jobs in the schedule, you have to click on the Publish schedule  button to apply changes. For example, you moved job from one worker to  another, but new assignee still doesn't see it. Only after you confirm  new schedule, new assignee will be able to see his new job.

5. Job is too old

In  the mobile application you can't see jobs that were planned or  completed more than 7 days ago. If the job wasn't finished and was  planned to be completed more than 7 days ago, you have to either change  its date or create new job (you can also make a copy of this job).

6. Your application hasn't synchronized yet

With good internet connection, application automatically synchronizes in a  minute or less. But you can also do it manually, by clicking on Sync button in the menu.

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