Custom user fields


You can add custom fields to your workers. These fields can contain information unsuitable for the default users' fields. For example, you can use them to store information about a worker's years of experience or to store a worker's photo.

Custom fields have the following types:

  • Yes/No;
  • Number;
  • Integer;
  • Money;
  • Text;
  • File;
  • Photo;
  • Pick list.

Adding a user custom field

To add a custom user field, go to the Settings → Custom fields page. Click the Add field button and select a type. A new field will appear. Specify its name and click Save. A field will be added.

Adding a user custom field

After that, your workers will have this field.

Filling user custom fields

To fill in a user custom field, go to the Settings → Users page and open a user's page.

User custom fields are displayed after the default fields (phone, time zone, etc).

The added custom field

These fields are filled the same way as their counterparts in the jobs.

Fille custom user fields with different types

After filling the field, save the worker. You can go back to the user any time and view or update information in the custom fields.

If you have any questions regarding custom fields or other Planado features, feel free to contact us at or on the support portal.