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Zapier is a product that allows you to integrate Planado and other web applications.
What you can do with Planado and Zapier integrations:
To get started, first. you need to register in Zapier. Sign up on the Zapier website if you do not already have a Zapier account.
After registration, you will be able to connect apps to Zapier and create zaps. Zaps are Zapier representations of integration between two apps.
Let's connect Planado to Zapier. Go to the My Apps tab to see your connected apps.
Go to the My Apps
Here are listed all your connected apps. To add a new connection, click Add connection
Add connection
In the opened window search for Planado and select it from the list.
Planado app in the list
A Planado sign-in window will open. Enter your Planado address, your email from the Planado account, and the password from your Planado account.
Sign in to Planado to connect it to Zapier
After that, Planado will appear in your apps list. Now you can use it for integrations.
Your clients or workers can add jobs to Planado by themselves using Google Forms. Google Forms allow you to modify a form as you wish to create exactly a form that you need. After you created a form, you just need to send a link to a form to a person who needs to add a job.
For example, if you need to collect specific information from your client for a repair job, you can create a form that will ask your client what kind of problem they have. Your client will be able to leave their contact information and upload photos of their problem to the form.
You can find information on how to create forms on the Google Forms site.
Let's see how Google Forms integration works with a repair task example.
Repairment request form
You will need a Planado template for the integration. You can use standard templates or create your own. See the Templates instruction to learn more about Planado templates.
Also, you will need to create a Google Form that will collect information for your jobs. Each field from the Planado job template needs to have a pair field in the Google Form. Google Forms fields will transfer to the Planado jobs fields when a job is created.
Go to Zapier and open the Zaps tab. Click Create Zap.
Create Zap
The integration window will appear. Name your integration.
Integration window
First, you will need to select an app that will provide information. In our case, it is Google Forms. Select it from the list or search in the S****earch field.
Select Google Forms
After selecting an app, you need to select an event that will trigger the integration. In the Google Forms case, it can be either a New response or a New and updated response. Updated responses can happen if you have allowed changing answers to your form. In our case, a new response and an update response cannot work the same because one needs to create a new job and the other to update an existing one. That is why we recommend selecting the New Response in Spreadsheet event.
Select New Response in Spreadsheet and click Continue.
Select a trigger event
After that, you will need to sign in to your Google account if you have not yet connected it to your Zapier. Click Sign in to Google Forms.
Sign in to Google Forms
In the newly opened window sign in to your Google account. After signing in, the Google forms account field will have your Google account information. Click Continue.
Connected Google account
The Set up trigger menu will be opened. Answers to your Google Form are collected in the Google Spreadsheet. Here, you need to select your Google Form spreadsheet and a worksheet.
Select your spreadsheet with answers in the Spreadsheet field and the worksheet in the Worksheet field. Click Continue
Select your form Spreadsheet and Worksheet
When you have set up your trigger, you need to test it. Click the Test trigge****r button. Zapier will send a request to your Google account. In the answer, you will receive data from your spreadsheet.
Test trigger
Before you test the trigger you need to have at least one answer in your spreadsheet or the test will fail. Fill out the form at least one time before testing the trigger.
After testing Google Forms you can set up the Planado part. Click Continue.
Test results
Select Planado from the list or find it through the S****earch field.
Select the Planado app
The event settings will be opened. As of today, Planado supports only the job creation event. In the Action event field select Create job and click Continue.
Select an event for Planado
The Choose account settings will open. Here you need to select your Planado account. If you have already connected your Planado account to Zapier, select this account in the Choose an account field. If you have not yet connected your Planado account to Zapier, click the Choose an account field and select + Connect a new account. Planado sign-in form will open, fill it out with your account information. After you have selected your Planado account, click Continue.
Select your Planado account
The Set up action menu will open. Here you need to match fields from your Google Form to your Planado job fields.
To begin, select the Planado job template. In the Template field select your job template that will be used in this integration. In our case, we are using the Repair template. After that, we need to set up fields to transfer from form to a job.
The Google Form field Select your problem type will be transferred to the Job type field.
The Describe your problem will be transferred to the Description field.
The Your First name field will be transferred to the Name field in the Contacts massive and to the Client First Name field.
The Your Last name field will be transferred to the Name field in the Contacts massive and to the Client Last Name field.
The Address field will be transferred to the Client address field.
The Preferred job date field will be transferred to the Preferred date field. It is a custom job field.
The Promo code field will be transferred to the Promo code field. It is a custom job field.
The Photo of the problem field will be transferred to the Photo of the problem field. It is a custom job field. In this scenario, we are using the Link type field because Google Forms transfers photos as links to them.
The Your phone field will be transferred to the Value field in the Contacts massive.
After you have set up all the transfers, click the Continue button.
Fields transfer from Google Form to a Planado job
A menu with information from the Google Form and the Planado job will be opened.
The settings are complete, the integration needs to be tested, click Test & Continue.
Test the integration
Before testing, make sure that you have at least one job for the selected template. If you do not have any such jobs, create one.
A job from the Google Form will be created while testing.
After the testing is finished, you can turn on the zap. Click Turn on Zap.
Turn on Zap
The zap is active, now when someone fills the Google Form, a Planado job will be created. Make sure that integration works by filling the Google Form one more time.
Google Form for Planado job creation
Job created from the Google Form
If you have questions about Zapier integration or other Planado features, send us an email at support@planado.app or leave a request on the Planado support portal.