Signature field


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Signature is used by field workers and clients to sign documents from the Planado mobile app.

A client or a field worker puts their signature when filling a job report. You can add multiple signature fields to your template. Every signature field is connected to a file field. That way a client can see which document they sign.

Adding a signature to a job template

Go to Settings → Templates and choose a template or add a new one.

A signature needs a document that will be signed. That is why you need to add a custom file field first. To do so, click Add job field and choose the File type. 

Enter the field name.

If a file is unique for every job, do not upload the file to the template. You will be able to upload it when adding a job. If a file stays the same for every job of this template, upload the file to the field.

⚠️ Note that if a file is not uploaded to the job, the signature field will not be allowed to be filled.

After you have added the File field, you can add a signature field to the job report.

Click Add report field and choose Signature. 

Enter field name and choose previously created File field as a Job field with file.

Save or add the template.

Now you can create a job from this template.

Creating a job with a Signature field.

Press Add job and select the template with a signature field.

If you have left the File field empty, you need to upload a file to it. If a file has been uploaded to the template, a file will be already added to the job.

Completing a job with a Signature field

After you have added a job it will appear in the field worker mobile app.

Before filling the Signature field you need to start the job.

Before you sign a file, you can view it. After that, tap the Sign button.

The Signature window will be opened. Here a field worker or a client can leave their signature.

If you need to retake the signature tap the Clear button and place the signature one more time.

When the signature is ready, tap the Save button.

To view the signature, tap its field in the report.

After that, you can delete or re-sign the document.

To view the signed document tap the document icon.

Don't forget to finish the job after filing the job report.

Viewing a finished job with a signature 

After finishing the job, a signature will be uploaded to the server in the background alongside job photos. When the upload is finished, the signature will be available from the web application.

Click the Signature field. The signature from the job will be opened.

⚠️ Signatures are stored in PNG format. You can access it via API. ⚠️ You can delete a signed document only after deleting its signature.

If you need help with signature fields or other Planado features, feel free to contact us at