Kommo integration


This article will help you integrate your Kommo domain with Planado.

  1. Login to your Jo or create a new one.

  2. In the Settings tab select Integrations.

  3. In Search type "Planado".

  4. Click on the "Install" button.

  5. Planado integration settings will be opened. Type your Planado domain name in the "Your Planado address:" field, for example, your_planado_domain.planadoapp.com.

  6. Tick "I agree to share account data with the third-party server" and press "Install".

  7. If you were logged in to your Planado account, you'll be redirected to Kommo integration settings in Planado. If not, you'll be redirected to a Planado login page.

  8. Login in to your Planado account with your e-mail and password.

  9. After this, you'll be redirected to Kommo integration settings.

  10. Here you can select what fields from Kommo leads you want to transfer to Planado jobs.

  11. After completing these settings click "Save".

  12. After that, you'll be redirected to amoCRM Planado integration page.

  13. Congratulations! Your Kommo Planado integration has been finished. You can open integration settings by clicking on the amoCRM Planado integration tab on the "Configure integration" button or in Planado Settings → Integrations → Kommo.