Domain settings


After activating your domain you can log in into your owner account and configure your Planado.

Besides the owner, only users with administrator access can open settings.

Open Settings → General.

In Planado you can configure the following settings:

  • Organization name
    You can use this name for SMS notifications for your clients.

  • Dispatcher office phone
    Your field worker will be able to contact the dispatcher by this number with a button press in the mobile application.

  • Time zone
    Defines the time zone for domain users. It is recommended to use the same zone as your dispatcher's devices.

  • Country
    Select a country for the search to find addresses in your country.

  • Business hours
    Define business hours, so if a job has time outside these hours, the dispatcher will see a warning message.

You can't change the domain name. It depends on the name you entered during registration on Contact our tech. support if you want to make any changes to it.

SMS notifications to clients allow Planado to send messages when:

  1. Fieldworker starts his way to client address (presses on En route in mobile application)

  2. In a day when the job is planned to, in a chosen hour (for example at 11 a.m.)

You can read more about SMS notifications in this article.

If you find Google Maps more comfortable you can switch to it in the settings. The map is used in mobile applications and on the Map page in web application.

The owner can Transfer ownership. Only the owner can configure domain payment so if the previous owner can't do this anymore, he can transfer his permission to others registered in domain user.

Don't forget to save all the changes you made by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

If you need any help, leave us a ticket or write to our email address: