Recurring jobs


⏰ Estimated reading time is 3 minutes.

If some of your jobs are repeated once in some period of time (daily, weekly, monthly, etc), you can use recurring jobs for it.

Creating a recurring job

Open Settings → Recurring jobs.

Here you can see all of the recurring jobs with columns:

  • Name.
  • Site or Client.
  • Date posted — the date when the recurring job was created.
  • Interval — a time span between two jobs.
  • Next scheduled jobs — date and time when the next job will be created.

Press the "Add recurring job" button. The list of all your templates will appear, pick one of them.

The recurring job creation page will be opened.

Fill the listed fields:

  • Recurring job name — the name after which the recurring job will be presented in the list.
  • Description — a short description of a job.
  • Assignee — a worker who will be assigned for the recurring jobs.
  • Duration — an estimated time for a job.
  • Client or site — if you have created clients or sites in Planado, you can add one of them to the recurring job
  • Address — you can add or edit the site or client's address.
  • Address description — a short description of an address
  • Contacts — a contact number of a client.

Jobs will be created with a set interval. You also need to schedule the first job and set the number of days between a job scheduled date and job creation.

  1. Select a day, a week, a month, or a year for the interval measurement and a number of set units. For example, the one week interval between jobs.
  2. Enter the number of days for a job to be created ahead. For example, if we set this value to 3 and schedule a job for February 24th, it will be created on February 21st.
  3. Select a date and time of the first job. An interval will start to count from this day.
  4. Also, you can set the last day for the recurring jobs in the "Stop creating jobs after" field. You can leave this field empty if you do not have the set date for the last job.

Click the "Add button" to finish a recurring job creation.

If you need to change some field in the recurring job, for example, you need to change an assignee, open the recurring job and change the assignee there. The next job will be created with a new assignee.

⚠️The values of all fields except the "Name" field will be copied to every recurring job and will appear in the assignee mobile app.

Recurring jobs usage example

Every week the company worker needs to diagnose corporate client equipment. First of all, we will create the Diagnostic template with suitable custom and report fields. After that, we will create a recurring job with this template and a week interval.

The first diagnostic needs to be done next Monday. Then we will set the date of the first job to the next Monday and for the number of days to create jobs ahead, we will select 3. That way the job information will be available to the assignee three days prior to the job itself, in our case, it will be Friday. Since we want to continue creating these jobs every Monday, we will not set the "Stop creating jobs after" date. 

A job will be created this Friday, on Monday the assignee will complete it. This process will begin again next Friday.

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